Looking to make friends with some great people aged 35-50? Join us at Conscious Connection for an incredible day of meeting new friends, swapping stories, and indulging in delicious Italian food at Farro Thornbury.
Whether you're new to Melbourne or a local just looking to expand your social circle, this event is tailor-made for you. We'll match you with a group of 5-6 like-minded people, ensuring you share similar interests, life stages and goals.
Ticket includes:
🍕 Set menu with 5 different dishes (we’re talking crispy polenta chips, a selection of pizzas and more)
🥂 Drinks (one on arrival + your choice of drink with your meal)
💛 Personalised matching for both rounds (so you’re sitting with people we think you’ll click with)
🥰 Engaging activities to get to know each other
💬 Tailored conversation cards for your table
✨ Hopefully a whole bunch of new friends!
You can absolutely still come along if you are just outside of this age bracket!